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Best News Of 2020 And Of All Time Is-ONY IMAGE-1_edited.jpg

A Detailed Explanation and Better Understanding Regarding the Gospel of Jesus Christ.



All year, we have been hearing bad and good news. But what is the best news this year and of all time?




Let me start by answering that question with another question.


Do souls of bad people such as: criminals and corrupted politicians, who receive no noticeable earthly punishment or jail time, go to the same place good people souls go, after they die?


This is something to think about if you or a person you know do not believe in the afterlife.


Let me rephrase that last question. Will the souls of bad people who escape earthly consequences for their horrendous crimes, go Scott free (unpunished)? No.


Well, some people and even an atheist response to a bad person’s death would be, “May their souls rot in hell!” Even though they do not believe in a hell, an atheist's response to a good person death would be, “May their souls rest in peace.” But where will their souls rest in peace? Heaven?


I am sure our souls go somewhere after we die. A human spirit or soul (conscious, according to the world) is immortal and will exist forever somewhere after a person dies and leaves this earth. However, where does that soul go?


Can we determine our soul’s destination? Yes, and I am sure of that.


But how, you might ask?


I will explain the answer in this message.


By the way, if you are not a spiritual person or do not believe in God YAH (LORD) whose Son is Jesus the Christ-Messiah (Yeshua Ha Mashiach), other gods, higher powers, or intelligent beings, this message is actually perfect for you. But if you are a believer in God 


YAH, other gods, higher powers, or intelligent beings, you are in the right place at the right time.


Let us start.


Here is a quick foundation regarding what I am going to talk about in this first segment. Here on earth, there is what we call the laws of nature (i.e., gravity). If we break or disobey the laws of gravity per se, by jumping out of a plane at 30,000 feet without a parachute, we will be judged immediately and automatically with death. However, who created the laws of nature and who decides the judgement to be extreme injury and/or death for breaking the laws of nature? Incidentally, we will still be judged for breaking the laws of nature, no matter if we believe in the laws of nature or not, or do not like the judgement for breaking the laws of nature, or do not like who created them.


In relation to, governments on earth created earthly laws and God in heaven created spiritual laws, in accordance with the laws of nature and original earthly laws. A human judge decides the types of punishment given to criminals who commit earthly crime. And God is a spiritual judge and decides the types of punishment given to spiritual criminals (sinners) who commit spiritual crime (sin) which are connected to earthly crime. 


A punishment for earthly crime comes with different length of jail times and penalties called fines and sometimes the death penalty.  The punishment for sin (spiritual crimes) also comes with fines called wages but the length of spiritual jail time is forever. - King James Version (KJV): Romans 6:23


Forever? That’s unfair! Or is it?


Many people think God is unfair and cruel to allow some people to go to this spiritual jail forever. But it is quite fair and reasonable according to how immortality and eternity is setup. Per astronauts, time is different in “outer space”, even in the movies such as: “Guardians of the Galaxy”, when jail time sentences given by space judges can be hundreds of years for space criminals. Likewise, for heaven and hell (spiritual jail) but there is no time, only eternity (forever).


Repeat offenders or criminals that repeatedly commit crime sometimes spend a lifetime (forever) in jail. Because they have too many fines to pay due to committing many crimes, which adds more jail time even a lifetime (forever). Some criminals spend the rest of their life (forever) in jail or receive the death penalty for committing one super bad crime. 


Imagine if the people on earth could live for 500 years. A repeat offender or a murderer would be sentence to life in prison for life or for at least 300 years depending on their age when sentenced.


What happens to people who could live forever on earth but would die if they were killed in an accident, by a person, or animal? In that world, a murderer would literally be place in prison forever, which would be what he or she deserves for taking someone else’s forever life. 


Is that unfair?


With God YAH, one unrepentant sin, no matter what size, is big enough that it can cause a soul to enter the spiritual jail for the rest of their spiritual life because one sin is connected to multiple sins such as: unforgiveness, which is connected to pride, hate, and so on that can lead to a physical assault or murder.  One sin also produces heavy spiritual fines (wages) and is considered a type of pre-crime, which I will explain here shortly.


However, humans who are spiritual criminals (sinners), who repeatedly commit spiritual crime (sin) will spend their entire spiritual life in a spiritual jail (forever) which is like receiving a spiritual death penalty.


Committing crimes give us a bad relationship with the government and authorities. We are separated from our loving families and placed in jail, when we are unable to pay our criminal fines. Even though, God loves everyone, a person will be separated from God’s loving heavenly family and placed in a spiritual jail (forever) if we do not have enough spiritual money to pay for our spiritual criminal fines nor have the ability to resurrect from execution from a death penalty.


However, there is some sort of good news for these criminals.


The government has set up a mercy method, called community service (picking up trash on the streets, removing graffiti off of walls and so on), which help pays for specific criminal fines. This method allows certain criminals to skip jail or shorten their jail time, restore their relationship with the government and get back to their loved ones.


In the ancient past, God setup a type of “community service” or mercy method that allowed certain people (Jews or whoever became a Jew) who broke God’s laws, to pay for or cover their sins by giving certain offerings and sacrifices from the blood (life) of animals. (KJV – King James Version: Leviticus 17:11)


The bloodshed of a certain animal was a payment for earthly and spiritual crimes (sin). And the animal’s death was a replacement for the spiritual death penalty or spiritual jail sentence the Jew would have received if and when they died.


By the way, this type of mercy method was not useless as some may think. God knew exactly what He was doing, because the animals that were sacrificed were eaten for dinner. O yeah, lamb chops, beef stew, and so on. Yummy Yum...Delicious. (KJV – King James Version: Leviticus 6:24-26)


At that time, this method temporarily pleased God and restored a good relationship with Him. (Hebrews 10:1-22)


Sadly, in the ancient days, a majority of the people in the world did not want to become a Jew, to offer sacrifices to God to get their sins forgiven and erased. They enjoyed and loved the way sin pleased their bodies, rather than follow God’s laws and have their sins erased to please God. (KJV: Romans 1:21-32; 2 Timothy 3:2-4; Philippians 2:21; Jude 1:12)


Now, it is time to address the human soul and pre-crime which is an accompanying topic in this message.


A human soul (spirit) is who a physical person really is. The human spirit or soul is part of our personalities, thoughts and emotions that comes from the mind (heart and soul), which interacts with our physical brain that leads to physical bodily activity. The human body is just a suit or mechanism the soul controls. In other words, the soul controls the body like a remote control to either to do good and/or bad things on earth.


What does pre-crime have to do with the human soul?


Pre-crime, is a soul-ish thing that is basically an evil thought such as hate that comes from a person’s heart, mind, and soul, before they commit a crime of assault or murder. Technically, pre-crime is a darkened and evil soul that is full of spiritual crime (sin).  

– Matthew 15:18-21


Unfortunately, all humans are born with this darkened soul at different levels. A person’s soul that is darkened, evil, and wicked, sometimes causes them to commit earthly crimes (intentionally and accidentally).


So, does pre-crime explain why criminals commit crime? Do non-criminals and actual criminals have something in common regarding pre-crime?


Let’s see.


Earthly crime is intertwined with spiritually crime (sin or pre-crime) and spiritual crime (sin or pre-crime) is intertwined with earthly crime.


The source of all earthly and spiritual crime is an evil and darkened soul that promotes pre-crime (spiritual crime or sin). Earthly crime is one of the many manifestations of a person’s evil and darkened soul (pre-crime or sin). Other manifestations of people’s darkened souls (pre-crime or sin) are manifested through profanity, pornography, and many other ways.

Take note, some people will not physically act out their pre-crime, because they do not want to face the physical consequences. In addition, people may not fully act out their pre-crime physically. But it is still rooted in their mind or soul and can be seen through facial expressions, body language or under a spiritual microscope called discernment or spiritual eyes (God given).


What happens when pre-crime, from darkened souls (sin), manifests physically and gets out-of-control all around the world?


Well, in the days of Noah, people souls were so darkened that their thoughts and actions were sinful, evil and wicked, all the time; constantly and continually.


Wicked humans and Intelligent Beings (fallen angels or aliens), teamed up to perform experiments to modify DNA which created chimeras: weird humans (giants), weird animals (most dinosaurs), and weird plant hybrids (marijuana, poisoned mushrooms, and so on).


God became very angry at the wicked people, fallen angels (aliens), and their experiments. So, He decided that He will wash the world clean and do a Great Reset or start over with humanity, by destroying all the wicked and DNA modified humans and animals. 


He gave the wicked humans 120 years of warning to stop their wickedness and turn to Him so they would be saved from His coming judgment.


As the years went by, the wicked humans lived life as usual ignoring God’s warning. All the while, God was equipping a small righteous family, who still had their original God given DNA, along with some animals selected to escape His coming judgment.


Noah, his family, and certain animals entered God’s safe place and the wicked people were too busy to notice. Then, in a moment the wicked people least expected, God's judgment began; causing a worldwide flood that cleansed and destroyed all wicked humans, DNA modified humans and DNA modified animals, which explains “most dinosaur” fossils being discovered all around the world. (Genesis 1:26, Genesis 3:1-24, Genesis 6:7-22, Genesis 7:1-24, Genesis 8th chapter; 2 Peter 2:5; Romans 6:23; Psalm 139:14)


This event showed God’s grace, mercy, and patience towards sinners. But also how much He hates sin and cherishes righteousness in a small family (remnant). (KJV: Genesis 6:3; 2 Peter 2:5, 2 Peter 3:9)


Meanwhile, today, people are sinning worse than any generation in the history of humanity; making the sins in the days of Noah before the flood and the days of Lot after the flood look like a grain of sand in an Olympic swimming pool.

Today, one of the reasons why people’s souls are more darkened, more evil, and more wicked continuously, is due to certain: technologies, inventions, sciences (DNA manipulation), TV shows, movies, social media, cartoons, video games, bad imaginations, and thoughts; which have their minds fully occupied.


It looks and sounds like the people of today are similar to the people in the days of Noah and Lot, but a million times worse. People are literally repeating and remaking history with their uncontrollable sinful desirous acts, rejecting God through their unbelief in God’s existence, and unbelief in God’s End Time judgments that already came and are coming to earth because of their sins. (KJV: Genesis 6:5, Genesis 13:13; Luke 17:26-30; 2 Timothy 3:1-17, 2 Timothy 4:1-3)


Some of these people believe in God and His future judgments. But they say they are under grace; thinking they have plenty of time to get it right or they just do not care. (KJV: Read Romans Chapter 1) 


The reason that people do not care or have unbelief, is that it has been over 2000 years and nothing really major happened to the world other than the COVID-19 pandemic, which should be a wakeup call and big warning.


God is actually given us time to turn from sin and turn to Him. (KJV: 2 Peter 3:9; 1 Timothy 2:3-4; Revelation 2:21; Psalm 86:15)


If God did not spare the sinful and wicked angels from heaven, or the people in Noah days after 120 years of warning, He is surely not going to spare this super wicked and sinful generation after giving us over 2000 years of warning which is more than enough time to learn from history, repent from sin, and turn to God. (KJV: 2 Peter 2:4-9)


Today, God’s modern-day prophets and faithful Christians (Followers of Christ Jesus) are preaching repentance and righteousness. We are warning and reminding, everyone that another, but BIGGER and Final Judgment from God is coming to earth, that is worse than all past pandemics combined. This judgment will be far worse than the Noah flood, because the sins of today are far worse than the days of Noah and the days of Lot.


God final judgment is a promise to completely destroy the earth and everyone on earth in the near future, due to overwhelming wickedness. However, He will once again, give people in the world a second chance, with enough time to turn from sin, and turn to Him. (KJV: Isaiah 24:1-6; Book of Ezekiel; Daniel 9th chapter; Book of Revelation; 2 Peter 3:9-10, 2 Peter 2:4-9)


God’s second chance was showed through the fullness of His grace, mercy, and love for a world filled with sinners, by sending His Son Jesus Christ (Yeshua Ha Mashiach) to earth as God with us, the Messiah, Savior and Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. (KJV: John 1:29, John 3:16; Romans 5:8)


Sin is a spiritual crime and people are naturally spiritual criminals (sinners).


Sin separates us from God (King of Heaven Yahweh) who is also the Most High Judge in the Most Highest Court and the penalty, judgement, and destination for sin is in a spiritual jail, death row, and death penalty.


Our sins cannot be paid for by only being a good person and only doing good things. 


Example: Will a thief be set free by doing good things such as: feeding the homeless every day or saving a baby from a house burning in fire? No. If a criminal does the crime, they must pay a fine and do the time. Criminals deserve jail and sometimes the death penalty.


People are spiritual criminals, who deserve spiritual jail and some of them enjoy going to spiritual crime sprees. The spiritual judgment for spiritual crimes (sin) is a physical and spiritual death row. If the spiritual fine is not paid before a person physically dies, they will receive the spiritual death penalty, which is called spiritual jail (hell).


Who do you know that would pay for someone else’s criminal fines, volunteer to serve their jail time, and receive their death penalty? No one.


So the Good News (Gospel) or Best News Ever is when the true living and loving King of Heaven (Yahweh) expressed His grace and mercy by setting up The Way and Only Way to pardon sins:


By declaring the sins (spiritual crimes) of any sinner (spiritual criminal) can be forgiven and erased only if a royal, sinless, holy, and supernatural being voluntarily sheds their divine blood and accept a sinner's (spiritual criminal's) punishment, judgement, and death. KJV - King James Version: Romans 6:23; Hebrews 9:22-28; Colossians 1:14; James 2:24-26


This is when Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach) being the Only One qualified, loved us so much that He put on human flesh as Emmanuel (God with us) to relate to us by feeling our pain, emotions, hardships, and temptations. (KJV: Matthew 1:23; John 1:1-14, John 3:16, John 1:29)


Jesus, as The Example, taught us: how to obey God on earth; He was The Only Truth and The Only Way to bridge the gap of separation from God The Father that sin caused and restores us to a right standing, relationship, and access to God (YAH); and how to receive The Everlasting Life who saves us from the power of sin and death, and the coming judgments on earth and hell. (KJV: Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18, Matthew 1:23, Matthew 2:1, Matthew 5:3-12; John 14:6-11)


Even though, we were clearly guilty, He volunteered to receive a bloody beating which paid our fines, and erased the evidence of all the bad things (our past, present, and future sins) we have done with the offering of His human body and the shedding of His royal and divine blood


Next, Jesus intentionally forfeited His earthly life as He absorbed our sins into His body like a sponge, directing all of God's wrath that we deserved towards Him, in turn, taking our place of punishment, judgement, and death (eternal damnation; hell; spiritual prison) on the cross through the Ancient Roman Empire's death penalty, which was the worst punishment for criminals known to humankind . (KJV: Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18, Matthew 1:23, Matthew 2:1)


Example: Imagine you were in a courthouse standing before the judge with a drunk driving case, but a stranger pays your fines, the judge shreds your traffic tickets, evidence, and all the court documents. Then, place them in a trash bin, burn them, forgives you, and forgets what you have done. You receive no jail time and set free.


This is what God YHWH and Christ Jesus does to our sins (spiritual crimes) when we believe in Him. (KJV: Micah 7:19; Matthew 27:40; John 19:17; Colossians 1:20, Colossians 2:14; Hebrews 9:22-28, Hebrews 12:2)


Then, His body was buried in a tomb (a grave), however, the power of God (YAH), rose His lifeless body back to life in three days, setting us free from the power of sin, and the consequences of sin which is death and hell. Therefore, giving us eternal life.


Afterwards Jesus ascended to heaven to the right hand of the Father's throne as the King of kings and Lord of lords.


This is the gospel of Jesus Christ's suffering, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.


If you believe this gospel, CONFESS your spiritual crimes (sins) as a guilty spiritual criminal (sinner) who practices sin (spiritual crimes) and needs the Savior to save you from the penalty (spiritual jail; hell) of those spiritual crimes (sins). CONFESS Him as the LORD and King of your body, soul, and mind as you enter the kingdom of light, since you have resigned from the kingdom of sin and darkness lead by Satan (The Antichrist aka Beast). (KJV: Micah 7:19; Matthew 27:40; John 19:17; Colossians 1:20, Colossians 2:14; Hebrews 9:22-28, Hebrews 12:2; Matthew 24:29-31; Mark 13:32; Luke 12:40, Luke 17:34-37; 1 Corinthians 15:52; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 3:1; Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8, Romans 6:4, Romans 10:9-10; James 4:8; 1 John 1:9)

Example: Criminals that confess or plead guilty to a crime gets less fines and time in jail or set free. 


In your case, you receive no spiritual jail time, no spiritual death penalty, and Jesus Christ pays your spiritual fines in full.


REPENT (part of belief and confession) by whole-heartedly, genuinely, and remorsefully apologizing to God for your past spiritual crimes, and make a solid decision to turn away from those sins (works of darkness) of today and the future. Be baptized with water and of God's Holy Spirit, as you place your faith (trust) in Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach).  (KJV: Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38, Acts 3:19; 1 John 1:9)


Example: Parents will forgive and mostly likely will not discipline their child for disobeying them, if that child is really sorry (with tears) and really means it when their child says, “I will not do it again.”


Another example: A judge would give a criminal another chance or lighter jail sentence, if the criminal pleads guilty (confess), remorsefully apologizes (repent; turn from crimes), and willingly to attend counseling services (Holy Spirit), to receive help and improvement to stop their bad behaviors. Hint: So, repenting is like stopping or turning away from committing crime.


This is true repentance.


Note: Repentance is a lifestyle. (KJV: Matthew 3:8; Luke 3:8; Acts 26:20; Ephesians 5:9; Galatians 5:16-26; Isaiah 1:16-17)


You cannot stop sinning (practicing sin) with your own power, alone. In order to stop practicing sin, you will have to practice certain methods (studying the bible) that goes against sin and combined it with Holy Spirit’s help that comes from the divine and supernatural power of Jesus. (KJV: 1 John 1:9; Acts 17:30, Acts 26:20; Romans 2:4; 2 Corinthians 7:10; Hebrew 6:1; 2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 2:5, Revelation 2:16; John 3:3, John 17:14-16; Ephesians 2:19; 1 Peter 2:9; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)


Do not be that person that tries to live holy with their own strength, but keep falling into sin practices. Then, become angry with God, give up, and start telling people you tried, but Christianity or following Christ Jesus did not work for you. Trying to follow Jesus and stop sinning in your own strength, is a form of godliness and denies God’s power to keep you from falling into sin, and to help you escape temptations. 


We need the power of Jesus Christ, which is the same power that heals the sick, gives sight to the blind, enables the lame to walk, casts out demons, and raised Jesus Christ from the dead! (KJV: 2 Timothy 3:5; 1 John 1:9; Acts 17:30, Acts 26:20; Romans 2:4; 2 Corinthians 7:10; Hebrews 6:1; 2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 2:5, Revelation 2:16; John 3:3, John 17:14-16; Ephesians 2:19; 1 Peter 2:9)


Today, right now, if you Believed, Confessed, Repented, Received and Accepted this gospel of Jesus Christ as His free gift of salvation and eternal life, click or tap STEP 3, read and pray the Salvation and Devotion Prayer with all your heart, mind, body, and soul.

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